This was a good stand-alone cartoon when I wrote it.
Outdoors and athletic-wear is always being upgraded and made from the next New Thing… but the average suit? Or even the above-average suit? Looks pretty much the same as it did a few years ago, if not decades ago ( assuming you ignore Leisure Suits- or as my generation called them “Six Million Dollar Man suits) Even with the advent of Grunge-era billionaires with their laid-back wardrobes, Casual Friday, and social acceptance of pro athletes as All That Is Good In Life, nobody ever said, “Hey, let’s make a men’s suit that a superhero would wear! Get out the Lycra/Polyester waffle patterned sweat-wicking nano-fabric!”
When I ran the cartoon, though, I managed to fit it into a sort of a storyline. That works out pretty good, since there’s no reason, usually, for Hubris to go suit-buying.