Kara and Steve are such a cute couple, don’t you think?
Kara’s all energetic and driven, and Steven is… about to be crushed under that.
Kara and Steve are such a cute couple, don’t you think?
Kara’s all energetic and driven, and Steven is… about to be crushed under that.
Nikki is like a lot of us. She’s taking control of her life.
Bob is like a lot of us. He’s given up trying to control what can’t be controlled.
While I believe Nikki is new to trying to this organized and specified life, she seems to have embraced it.
Bob embraces the sort of philosophy that fosters calm during a storm. If you don’t mind storms because you can’t control the weather, then there’s not a lot of frustration when life isn’t what you wrote down last month.
The corporate scheming proceeds apace. Oh, what fodder for comic strips, the Machiavellian shenanigans of potential Bigwigs…
I wonder how many lawyers and business folk have to talk out loud to get the sense of the contracts they write.
I talk mostly to give me something to listen to, and keep the echoes in my brainpan from confusing me.
I like the linework in this comic.
There are a lot of ways the lines come out, depending on a lot of stuff.
When the characters are the ones we see all the time, and the action is close up, and there’s no reason to noodle around, the linework is fat and clean.
When I have more random characters, doing something that doesn’t come up much… I can’t help but noodle around. The linework is choppier, more random… but somehow more expressive.
I like that.
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