They say that good health comes from good habits.
Dang. Why can’t we get anything good coming from our bad habits? It’s not fair.
No, wait… it is. I just don’t LIKE it that way.
So, there’s a podcast called ‘Comics Alternative’, with the requisite website and Facebook page and it’s available on iTunes. By all means, check ’em out! Their latest podcast has their review of this very webcomic. I’m flattered that the hosts took the time to level their expert eyes on Hubris. I will admit that they framed out a lot of perfectly true things about Hubris and how my background influences the way its produced. They also seem to have a good bead on some design decisions that have been made about backgrounds over time. Over all, they were pretty complimentary about Hubris, I guess. Meaning they didn’t say anything nasty or unwarranted, or maybe that they said things that flattered me because… well, YOU guys know why. You all come back and read every cartoon, and you usually have some pretty shrewd guesses as to where things are going story-wise. It’s flattering when someone reads what you do and takes the time and energy to understand it all the way through.
Fun! Check out Comics Alternative!
People keep telling me “You should stop drinking those sodas. They’re bad for you.” And I say, “Yeah.”
Couple of weeks later, they say, “I thought you weren’t going to drink those any more.” And I say, “It wouldn’t be possible to drink them any MORE… I’d have to have a constant IV drip to increase what I’m already getting down me.”
Just because something’s bad for you- sodas, sugar, STDs, war, alcohol, smoking, free climbing, Facebook… doesn’t mean people WANT to give it up. That’s not how we’re built.
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