Paperwork… WORK. It’s in the name.
Leave it to Bob that turning a profit would be too much trouble, especially when the money is right there in your face.
Paperwork… WORK. It’s in the name.
Leave it to Bob that turning a profit would be too much trouble, especially when the money is right there in your face.
If the Fest keeps attracting random people, soon there won’t be anyone who’s just standing around watching. Everyone will be playing.
That might be best.
If there’s anyone who’s knowledge of what people want out of a festival is both instinctive and comprehensive, it’s Paste.
What do people want? They want to BE the Fest! Paste already feels like he is, so he’s happy to be generous. Why not promise that everyone gets fifteen minutes on the Jumbotron? He has every intention of making that happen… or at least of telling someone else to make that happen. He’s sorta like P. Enis in that respect, isn’t he? It’s just that Paste can back it up… or at least he has people that he trusts to back it up.
“Last Year’s ‘Fest” is a subjective time frame. It’s “last year” in comic strip/comic book/soap opera time. In real world time? We got old.
Well… The whole book’s not completely done, but all the cartoons in it are drawn. Most of them are colored and placed. Hopefully, today’s the day when I start trying to upload the book to the printer/publisher whatever you call ’em these days. There’s only four comics and a handful of spot illustrations that I haven’t posted here on the site. I guess those’ll be exclusive to the book, and Patreon supporters.
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