Posts Tagged dude
I doubt that Bro-Speak or Dude-Speak are actual dialects. Maybe they qualify as Pidgins? It’s been a while since I did any reading on such stuff.
If I remember right, though, a Pidgin can develop into a Dialect, given time and restricted outside influence.
So, somewhere in the Baja peninsula, there may be a small group of dudes who are building up a Bro-speak that will one day be discovered by Etymologists who will be both gleeful to have discovered it, and wildly disappointed that any human beings can communicate via a language that’s been truncated to the point where it employs only seventeen words.
…Twelve of which would be either general exclamations or adjectives, depending on context. The paper the Etymologists publish would be “Gnar.”
The best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry.
And those of birds and dudes, too.
I think that’s the main failing of so many plans. You don’t know the outcome of a lot of your actions, what with adding in everyone else’s actions and plans and random chance and all the rest.
So we wind up with people, and companies, and governments, and religions and they’re all saying, “We need this, so we’re gonna do this in order to make this.”
And while everyone’s planning and working toward ‘this’, then ‘that’ happens. Which wasn’t in anyone’s plans because everyone was planning for success, and nobody was planning on ‘that’.
It’s not a difficult concept, and yet, when told to do it, don’t you sort of expect more information. I do, anyhow. You know, like, “Run! Bear!” There’s worlds more information, there.
Discovering others’ insecurities, deficiencies, and coping mechanisms is nice, isn’t it? Well, it is if you can sympathize, I guess. If you can’t, I imagine life is pretty predatory.
So… if you think you might have missed yesterday’s cartoon due to my inability to read my watch correctly, then chances are, you’re completely right. You might wanna click back a cartoon or two and make sure you’ve seen everything.
My computer is back, and working beautifully. All that stuff people tell you about making and keeping backups? It’s all true. Get one of those terabyte drives that auto-backup as you go. Keep it running. Make backups of everything you have on a whole ‘nother terabyte. Hang onto it. You’ll be glad you did. I was. Man, I was.
Intangible bonus aspect of snob appeal retail items- being treated like hot snot. And passively-aggresively being pushed around.