Hubris’ subconscious is pretty adept at conjuring up a Dad. Good Advice, Upbeat Manner, and a Heads-Up to be careful.
I guess when Dad’s not there in person, your subconscious has to work overtime… or overwork sometime. Like Naptime.
Hubris’ subconscious is pretty adept at conjuring up a Dad. Good Advice, Upbeat Manner, and a Heads-Up to be careful.
I guess when Dad’s not there in person, your subconscious has to work overtime… or overwork sometime. Like Naptime.
I went to see Solo this evening.
I like Star Wars. I was 11 when the first one came out, which was the perfect age for that movie. I even saw the Star Wars TV Christmas special- The one that a lot of people don’t quite believe was ever made now.
Unlike, apparently, some people that get themselves in the news, I’m not angered by much in movies. I don’t insist that all movies are made for me to like, and I’m probably less discriminating that many film aficionados. I mean, I don’t even hate Waterworld, and that one didn’t seem to suit much of anybody.
Even so, though. If they make a JarJar Binks movie, I don’t think I’ll bother to go.
Grease pencil really makes a problem on your nice scanner, didja know that? There you go. Pro tips from your personal cartoonist.
So, changing the story arcs. Gotta swing the increasingly bulky craft around, aim it in a new direction, and get under way. Hard to do without getting a little maudlin. Hopefully, today’s cartoon is a quick enough turnaround, as we sail into the next chapter.
Anybody want to make a request? Now would be the time. I’ve got a framework to hang things on, and as soon as I start filling in details, you psychics will start figuring out where I’m going. You might as well start telling me what I’m going to write and save me a lot of extra work.
I’ll give you a clue- I’m finally getting around to a previous request for a particular kind of bike race. Fire up the crystal balls.
Page 4, in which the conflict is revealed, and the writer Steve has to admit that his dreams look a lot like everyone else’s dreams.
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