Posts Tagged comic
You’ve had those dreams, right? Drive right off a cliff? Falling, falling, falling…
I wonder if those guys that do the amazing stuff on skateboards and bikes and motorcycles have those dreams and… the falling isn’t the scary part. I mean, they do that all the time. Biiiig deal.
By the way, click HERE if you wanna give the gift of Hubris to some poor soul who won’t or can’t read it online.
The curious gentleman introduced in today’s strip is generally based on a real person…ality. Google ‘Prince Mongo’ if you please. He’s something else again.
Poor ol’ Mr. Mittleif. I’m sure we’re all glad he gets to live his dream, but the guy might just die doing it. Oh, well. Insurance for the Fest is settled! Now, who can Hubris find to fill out Team Crisis?
Here’s an extra Hubris this week to celebrate the GoComics launch. This one should run on Gocomics in August of 2013.
Regular readers, say “hello” to the nice new people who are wandering over from today. Yes, today Hubris! starts at GoComics. It’s starting at the beginning, and it’s running five times a week to catch everyone up. Nifty, huh? Hi, everybody! Welcome! There’s lots of weird ‘other’ content here at hubriscomics. Feel free to check it out. Very glad you’re here.