And they’re off. Waaaaay off. I think that the number of bikes that finish the race will be far less than the number that started, don’t you?
Posts Tagged camera
Next time, Paste needs to take off his helmet before the slide into the mud. I’m tired of drawing his toasted-up head.
After camping out, there’s always something to complain about.
My back hurts. I can’t find my clean clothes. There’s toilet paper all over the tent. It’s not enough toilet paper to be useful, considering what I’ve been eating this weekend.
Fuss, fuss, fuss…
Jumped out of another plane.
It was actually the same plane, but you get the idea.
The first time? Your brain is micro-memorizing things, and you do stuff wrong.
The second time, you have your little list of ‘to-do’ and your brain has something other than panic to work with.
This time went a lot faster, I can tell you.
But I did steer better. Though I might have steered us toward some of the other skydivers. The guys in charge won’t tell you, but my instructor dude (Christian Young, this time) sure made a yelp and steered us around again when I suddenly made a hard left that one time, and my uncle passed through my wake, apparently. Never knew parachutes caused much of a a wake, one way or the other. How about that.
I thought about putting this photo on Patreon so that only patrons could see it. But I don’t wanna run ’em off or anything. Nice people.
I also thought maybe I’d put it in the blog section of the website, but then, it’d be there whenever anyone scrolled down a bit- maybe for months.
Then, I figured I’d just dump it here so anyone morbid enough could get a look, but it’ll be buried in the archives or something and no lasting harm will be done to people’s eyes and minds.
Looky! Bruise!
The dates and lines are where they were keeping track of how far and fast it was spreading. Yick.
Eventually, it was all over my leg, more or less. Now, it’s mostly from the knee down.
Okay, look away now. If… You… Can.
Had another inexplicable jump in readership yesterday. I may be able to search through the data and figure out what’s going on… or it may just be another one of those things where a couple dozen extra new readers turn up one day for reasons I never can work out. Whatever the cause, I like it… and wish it’d happen all month sometime.
Another inexplicable thing I see is the security updates about who’s been blocked from logging in and screwing around on the site. There’s somebody in Russia who needs to get a different hobby. Probably some automated program someone’s written, but I’m tired of seeing that he, or she, or it has been blocked- again- after twenty attempts to log in. Same, but not as often, with some ass in France, and a couple others here in the states. Very worrisome, but more readers means more chances that you fall under the gaze of someone with wicked plots in mind, I guess.
Anyhow, enjoy Kelly’s gathering of footage for his giant Exposé, tell a friend or two to read Hubris, and if I suddenly go offline and the site is replaced with a Russian ad for mail-order brides… well, it wasn’t MY idea.
I was an uncooperative interview once.
It was during the first Gulf War. A local TV station called the screen print operation that I worked for, and asked if they could come by and ask about the kinds of shirts we were printing (there were a lot of flags and eagles and things on them)
Turns out they already knew how they wanted the interview to go- the interviewer, who was pretty young and maybe not well experienced in hiding his ideas, kept asking questions that smacked of the term ‘war profiteering’. I can occasionally talk pretty well for myself, and wasn’t going to be led around into saying something that put us into false light.
When the clumsy interviewer asked why we switched from printing shirts for family reunions and church logos to printing shirts with lots of eagles and flags, I dumped it right back in his lap. “Because that’s what customers come in and pay to have printed. I’m not going to tell them they have to order anything other than what they’ve come for, am I? Yes, it’d be nice if they were coming in for FedEx company picnic shirts, but instead, a lot of customers have come in to have shirts supporting the troops printed. What should we print, then?” Of course, the young TV interviewer knew we were supplying our own Tshirt stores, too. I neatly said the same kind of thing. “If customers come to the store for T-shirts with pegasus or unicorns on them, that’s what they can have. If they come for shirts that say “I support the troops”, they can have that, too. We’ll make sure we have whatever designs the public comes in asking for.”
The interviewer left pretty miffed. Mostly, I think, because he wasn’t very good at his job. There may have been a story there, but it wasn’t the one he’d imagined (or sold his editor on?) We weren’t gleefully rubbing our hands together saying, “Oh ho ho ho! Let’s take advantage of this war by selling more T-shirts than usual! Mwuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhhhhh!”
I dunno. Makes you wonder how the TV guy thought stores work.
It pretty much ruins any enjoyment (if there’s any to be had) of ‘reality TV’ shows- remembering that there’s a camera involved. My wife and I watch Survivor, and have been known to watch those funny video clip shows.
But take just one moment to realize that, while the Survivors are doing sneaky things, hoping that they’re not being observed by the others in camp, not four feet away are a gaggle of people- cameraman, sound engineer, gaffer, tech, and the occasional director, medical staff, lighting expert, and whatever chump they get to lug around all the equipment and the cases they come in. It suddenly takes away the sense that there’s a game being played.
Likewise, when watching some of the more hilarious video clip shows, it was fun to say, just as the clip began, “Hey, why was this being video’d?” And then you’d realize that no one in their right minds rushes out to take video of a guy pulling a nail out of a barn wall. NObody. So when the entire barn wall collapses as the nail is pulled, you’re free- if you’ve taken your moment to think and ask the question- to realize that the whole thing is a total set up.
Which is why comic strips are better. You can show everyone when the cameraman gets it in the neck, and there’s NO camera there to take the participants’ attention away from the catastrophe.