It’s been a while since I flogged another old comic strip here in the ‘Other’ content below the Hubris. So it’s time again for Bachelor & Sons! I was teamed up with Matt Tolbert (and his twin sons) to create a comic strip based on a newly single dad and his twin sons. One kid is sportish, the other one bookish. I did the best I could, and I assume that Matt’s twins (with him as the editor) did the best they could, but the syndicates weren’t biting. Of course, it’s a shame for this stuff to just rot on my computer or on Matt’s, so it might as well rot on your computer, too. Unless of course, you know of a nice site, web magazine or newspaper (or syndicate) who sees the value in such a thing, in which case we’ll happily resurrect it, I bet.
Posts Tagged Bachelor & Sons
I have been known to draw some expressive faces here and there. Because of that, a syndicate editor put me in touch with Matt Tolbert. Matt, and more specifically, his 14 year old twin sons, were writing a comic strip. The strip involved (surprise) a bachelor and his twin sons. Surprise again, it was called “Bachelor & Sons”. One of the selling points was that the strip was to be written by the twins themselves, with Matt playing editor to keep things on a pro level. One twin is sportish, the other bookish. You get the idea. The syndicates didn’t run with it, but a great many of them aren’t in business any more. Too bad. B & S might have saved them. Here’s a Sunday we did:
If you’re gonna grind on sculpture, wear a helmet.
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