If a dog has something derogatory to think about your breath…
You might have an idea for a mouthwash commercial.
If a dog has something derogatory to think about your breath…
You might have an idea for a mouthwash commercial.
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That would be ” Oh, au contraire, mon frère !”
They’re American.
They know not what they spell.
Hell, they forget the U in a crap ton of words!
They like to get “S” and “Z” mixed up!
that sounds really good.
question though… what are “Elvis Fries”??
are they fries made of banana with peanut butter & jelly and deep fried? [wonders how one would make fries of a banana with out them crumbling] hmmm… if only i had a deep fryer to try it out…
Oh, no. I even googled it to make sure I got it right.
Sigh. I should not be allowed any where near technology. Third response was supposed to go to Deltafx.
Try again. Elvis fries are fries with sausage gravy on them. We can get them at a 50s diner here called Gunther Toodys.
… sooo… basically Poutine?
well that’s a bit of a let down. i think i like my idea better as far as being being weird. ^^
… how’d that second “being” get in there???
apparently tech’s not terribly fond of me either. >>;
sounds like my parents…but them they CAN’T REMEMBER what they had even for breakfast.
I only remember because I have the same thing every day.
me too I guess. coffee. nothing else or I am sick. hehe
Only a Dog could commence a round of begging from a burp..
The wife begs that I stop..