I like to look at the cultural phenomena that is Superman.
He started out as a sort of reverse Flash Gordon character, dressed in a circus strongman outfit. That was high concept back in the 30s.
And we’ve spent a lot of the intervening time trying to keep him relevant by writing and re-writing the minutiae of him…
and trying to think up a good reason that he was still wearing a circus strongman outfit from the 30’s.
Big… Red… Boots.
Kinda weird, but we’re used to seeing them, so… he wears them.
And pretty much every super hero since has had some kind of super suit. Would we enjoy the super hero comics if they all wore Armani suits? And then The Incredibles came along and showed us how stupid capes are.
Yeah- Edna Mode will forever be remembered. “NO CAPES!”
I’ve been going back and forth with someone about that. Something about TRY telling that to Dr. Strange and his cloak (the version from the 2016 movie)