Okay Bob can’t be nesting far. Time to start checking toekicks, corners, cupboards and cabinets, under the couch and under Paste’s bed.
Portland, ceiling joints, who can keep all these things apart anymore these days?
The table reminds me of the bright green plastic one, we had at the day care centre I worked at in Sept.-Dec. *LOL*
I’m thinking that there is a hidden key some where and Bob’s living at Stanky Creek.
Naa, I´m shure Bobs living with Lowell… well, at his place anyway.
Lets say in the upstairs rooms Lowell cant reach anymore because oft the stairs.
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Okay Bob can’t be nesting far. Time to start checking toekicks, corners, cupboards and cabinets, under the couch and under Paste’s bed.
Portland, ceiling joints, who can keep all these things apart anymore these days?
The table reminds me of the bright green plastic one, we had at the day care centre I worked at in Sept.-Dec. *LOL*
I’m thinking that there is a hidden key some where and Bob’s living at Stanky Creek.
Naa, I´m shure Bobs living with Lowell…
well, at his place anyway.
Lets say in the upstairs rooms Lowell cant reach anymore because oft the stairs.