I’ve had plenty of time to think of different ways to sort the teams in some amusing way. I’ve doodled and discarded a lot of long-winded foolishness. After tinkering with ideas for weeks, here I am, making the whole thing into a coffee joke at the last minute… something I hadn’t even been kicking around if my notes are anything to go by.
Sometimes I think these stories are going on somewhere, and I’m just transcribing stuff for you. Stephen King talks about that in some of his forewords and in his book ‘On Writing’- he calls stories ‘found objects’, as though we’re just discovering them.
Works fine. I’m 4 shots of expresso, mocha, whipped cream. I am going to be awake! Definitely black flag!
It’s easier to act offended than it is to act defensive.
There’s a moral in there somewhere.
But, if you’re a banker, you can AFFORD the Starbuck’s candybar drink habit, and if you’re a VP of something, you NEED that flask. Irish Cream Frappichino, the best of both worlds.
I think, once you get in the zone, all writing’s actually “transcribing.” The characters tell you what they’re going to do next.
How that helps you when you’re at the deadline and can’t wring a single thought out of your noggin, I frankly don’t know 🙂
Is that a black flag Hubris is holding, as in straight up coffee? I better get over there, but without spilling my coffee.
The “white flag” for water/milk drinkers is cuz well, our piss ain’t ever that dark! LoL
I try to limit my pop/softdrink (inc. sweet iced tea etc.) to 700ml a week.
I tend to drink 2-3 LITERS of water a day (21 liters or more a week) so I’m “well lubricated” as my friend would say. LoL
Begging your not so humble pardon. If you are a diabetic you go through a lot of plain ol’ water every day. Pass the filtered water in the kitchen, have some, and if you go past the bathroom you’re taking a little detour. Every time.
These days it’s called what soda, iced tea, and the milk is soy. Unfortunately the words ‘caffiene’ and ‘carbonated are no longer in my vocabulary.
IF you’ve EVER thought about sleeping in the tub with the drain open, you really tied one on or you’re tired of at least six trips to the bathroom (and chug a glass of water afterwards…..)
Not sure what you found offensive in Allan’s post. I drink about that, including the quart sipper of ice water by my bed at night. Doctor’s orders to keep the heart pumping. Yes, I get up every 3 or 4 hours at night, but that’s typical of old men.
Does your friend tease you about hoses, too?
would not want to be the white flag guy when he changes his tune once all the coffee groups with the flags lose their buzz.