Okay, I wasn’t going to do this one. Mostly because I’ve done something similar before, and it’s more of a place-keeper than it is funny… but on the other hand, a couple of you asked for the dreams, and I’m a cartoonist. I need to cut loose and draw and color outside the lines now and again. Here’s some dreams, then.
Now that was definitely hot dog with wasabi, pickle relish and chocolate syrup. (yes I have tried baking a bun, and you’d be surprised what tasted good, only thing that rates second is massively hammered out of your gourd.) However the weird dreaming rarely ever woke me up. .003 milliseconds to make three carom hurdle dash to bathroom because of bladder or review yesterday’s lunch, yes. Or Vesuvius reflux that came out your nostrils and cauterized your sinuses…..
Great use of color, bold lines, Paul Klee would like it I think.
Yep, that looks about right for my dreams… Although I have to admit, I seldom need to eat anything weird to get that.
Eyah, I’m in therapy if you hadn’t guessed it… Good news is though, I appear to be fairly harmless despite the mental issues. ;1
Welcome to the Valium club, I started pass #4 about a month ago. At least it’s only yellows this time. May you get it sorted out dear. Only thing that gets me is how such a small bottle holds so many pills and I eat them all by the end of the month. I do have to take a cheap ‘composition’ book and turn it in every session and some of the language, artwork and more (I just don’t write like a meek little reader of Hubrus, our Hero), I think the poor therapist drinks a high proof supper. I’m harmless, just need the fortitude to put up with a disabled other half and the papework that goes with it. Keep chin up, you’ll get there.
Greg, keep draw’n them strips, we need y’all 🙂
My dreams are more ordered and along the lines of trying to save the world in the most convoluted and contrived way possible. I remember one night I had to seduce AND marry a princess of a far away nation so that I could get access to her uncle’s recipe book he was using to conquer the world. I think he was making doughnuts or something.
Beautiful, Greg. Absolutely beautiful.
If this one runs on GoComics before the end of the year, I’m using it as my vote for best strip of 2015 in the GoComics editors blog contest.
You are not a well man, Greg.
Of course Greg’s not a well man. He’s a GREAT Artist!
I wonder how long it will take before that’s inked on someones arm.
That’d be flattering, wouldn’t it? It’d be some good photos for this site, too.
Wonderful cartoon! I laughed out loud.
My dreams are more like I have a final and I haven’t studied or gone to any classes and I don’t know where or when the exam is and I can’t find out and it may already be in the past …t
Strangely, my nightmares never involve danger to me. Most often, I am back at work in a suit and tie, in ever increasingly tiny cubicles, with latrines in a far-off building. Sometimes, I am back in college, trying to find my classes on an immense campus, often forgetting what I am taking that semester.
In other word, anything involving work.
That is twistedly beautiful, Greg! When it hits GoComics, I think this will be the first time I click the “Order a print of this strip” link. This is definitely something I would love to see hanging on my wall!
I’m honored to think that you’d have it on your wall! That’s cool!
time for hubris to lay off certain things now it could be worse the dream could be of lowel like in his birthday suit or something.
I think we get that in the middle of the paintball debacle…. you’re not safe yet.
Reminds me a lot of some of the stuff that Wiley Miller showed us in Athens. Well done! (BTW, this is me most nights before conventions).