Mal and Enis are on the same wavelength today.
I don’t think Shelley feels like they’re all sympatico, do you?
Mal and Enis are on the same wavelength today.
I don’t think Shelley feels like they’re all sympatico, do you?
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They have no idea what they’re getting into.
How long do you think it’ll take GREG to draw not one, but TWO TOTALLY different festivals?
Well this weekend fest took about a year or so I think. Am I close?
Mal: “I heard Lowell manned a fest last year. Let’s steal what he did!”
…here.. have a balloon…
Oh that is going to go so sideways. What a trainwreck. (scraping my funds to buy a funnelcake truck and a kettle popcorn maker, a soda dispensing rack, several coffee urns, a big ice maker, and a generator. I got a panel truck big enough to mount most of that on/in there and just pull up to do the concessions… to watch the debacle. Box seats on the top of the 8×30 ft box roof rented out, I have it made. Just need to find a place for a few skip dumpsters and a row of portajohns)
Wait… I thought Hubris was only selling the Outdoorsfest. He’s selling his store, too?
Nah, he only sold the outdoorfest, he mainly did that to piss of Mr. P. Enis because he over-heard what he said.
Of course it is possible he sold his store to his dad as well and still plans on running it, things happen behind the scenes of the comic sometimes that the readers don’t get to see until its drawn in. 😛 But I doubt he sold his store.
Boys, you really oughta listen to . . . Never mind, they ain’ta gonna.