If you seem to find yourself out of step with the cartoons as of yesterday, it may be because I’m uploading extras, which makes the schedule more random.
In other words, you might want to look at the previous cartoon or two and make sure you’re all caught up.
I don’t know who the skinny moron is but the first thing you do as a salesperson is build a relationship with the customer. Lowell’s actually on the right track for once. Besides, nobody likes a pushy snot-nosed overeager jerkoff trying to sell them something.
Yep, for once Lowell can CONNECT!
Battle Scars are worth something sometimes….
And can learn.
Darth Lowell … LoL
point goes to lowel even if he was just at the skate park as a pastes cushion.
Point to Lowell for knowing the difference between a truck and a bearing. Mal probably has no idea what Lowell is talking about.
Greg, your use of “Darth” above has got me wondering if his recent “debacles” might result in the coining of a new catchphrase – “sinking to a new Lowell”.
ewwww that one is even below… never mind.