Poor Mr. Mittleiph. What he REALLY wants is a BMX bike and a return to being 14.
Man, if I could get a t-shirt with tire marks I’d go buy a new bike today!
If I remember right, you have a few shirts with tire marks, bits torn out by tree branches and thornbushes, and trail grime deep in the weave. Wear ’em with pride! How’s the chain on that K2 these days? My pedals are creaky.
Man do I remember selling tees with tire marks! Thanks for that unpleasant memory… 😉
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Man, if I could get a t-shirt with tire marks I’d go buy a new bike today!
If I remember right, you have a few shirts with tire marks, bits torn out by tree branches and thornbushes, and trail grime deep in the weave. Wear ’em with pride! How’s the chain on that K2 these days? My pedals are creaky.
Man do I remember selling tees with tire marks! Thanks for that unpleasant memory… 😉