That woman should try not to be surprised by so much. Of course, she was surprised by the fact that the guy in front of her doesn’t know what she thought he knew because she made an assumption…
So maybe she should try not to make so many assumptions. After all, the big guy never said he know which line it is.
I’m a little surprised myself- not by the line they’re in, but by how strange it is that the cartoons here at are now no longer the ones that are days ahead of the ones at Now, the ones here are ones that come out days after the ones at and my brain is all scrambled. Juggling the comics has always been a little weird for me- it’s a webcomic after all, and there’s no editor calling up and saying that something’s misspelled or easily misinterpreted. Or due. Anyhow, the new system is (for those of you who haven’t already seen me post this). Patrons at Patreon get the strips pretty much the minute I’m done with them, and I’m trying to still crank out four a week. Then, I’m back to posting three a week here the way I did before GoComics suggested I do four a week for their site. So M-W-F to be best of my ability here- and crazy randomness with some background blogs and stuff over there.
If that interests you at all- for a buck a month, you can get the Patron emails with the latest cartoons and me rattling on about pacing, lettering, color, pens and whatnot. For four or five bucks a month, I’ll mail you some Hubris artwork and a Team Hubris patch for as long as those last. Feel free to check it out. And thank you- it’s those bucks-a-month that kept me from just wrapping Hubris up at the end of ten years back in November.
Greg deserves money! Be a patron and get stuff! Make extra work for him in mailing stuff to you!
Greg deserves money! Be a patron and get stuff! Make extra work for him in mailing stuff to you!
Greg deserves money! Be a patron and get stuff! Make extra work for him in mailing stuff to you!
Greg deserves money!! And seriously, the occasional envelopes full of loot are AWESOME. I got a knitted Hubris hat that I’m going to love come winter time!