Poison Ivy.
If you’re exposed to it or even suppose that you might have been exposed to it… wash with soap and water as quickly as you can get to it.
Don’t be like me.
I have a tendency to get a case of poison ivy every year since I was 33 years old- the year I started having reactions to it.
The only treatment for poison ivy after it’s turned into a weeping, raw mess that has ever impressed me is to go and play in the ocean for an afternoon. Once, I had a horrible dripping mess made of both knees (after a really unfortunate tumble off a trail unicycle) and after playing in the ocean with my kids for a while, I came out with a keyring that had rusted over and knees that healed almost miraculously. Since then, of course, I’ve tried treating my poison ivy rashes with saltwater, but it’s just not the same. I need someone to provide a university with a grant to discover just what it is in ocean water that dries up poison ivy.
Man, I hope it’s not the fish poo.
Try getting some sea salt mix from a marine fish aquarium shop. It has a lot of trace minerals and such making a salt water solution won’t have.
As for the swamp people… you gotta wanna get out of there. HeadNshoulders shampoo applied liberally will get rid of everything but poison ivy.
Try “Instant Ocean” Greg…
But what if it is the fish poo?
The guy in front is trying psy ops on his opponent. Yeah, I’m gonna tell the guy in front. Riiiight. You betcha.
Greg… it’s not the fish poop. It’s the whale and shark poop. I mean, they use it in fancy perfume and cologne.
Ambergris is waxy whale vomit.
Oops my bad … thank you for the reminder of what it was I was thinking of.
I live by the beach and it is my fervent hope to find a chunk of the disgusting stuff, large enough to pay off my loans.
Can’t have a Mittleif crisis without at least wanting to try out running bears once in your life. And who knows, maybe the guys in the bear suits make better bait.
Ya gotta be careful about bearbaiting. Chris Hansen may show up with a camera crew. Dusty will fist fight him for the film rights. Next thing ya know we’re all talking to the cops and Jerry Springer is trying to horn in on the action.
If there is somebody doing dermatitis research at your local university, they might know where to get these grants (I only know the Swiss & European ones). It might be worth having a chat with them, even a cheap student project could be the start to take it from „anectote“ to „science“ Or „citizen science“, which many universites are quite interested in it these days.
And the illustrations for the project surely wouldn‘t be a problem, right?
You know what alternative medicine that works is called?
(I can’t remember who said it first but I do remember it)
Obviously, it’s the keyring. Also, why is there an ad on the left of an asian girl whose breasts outweigh her arms?
Dang. I missed that one. I’ve got an ad for Duluth Trading Company, and lactose free milk. The milk one doesn’t have anything to do with breasts, though I guess the possibility was there, if the advertisers were truly weird.
My ads are (top) stock market, (left) R:IL Persona (maybe an Anime game?), and (right) Canadian Appliance Source.
Odd grouping.
… uh… It’s more than likely the anime connection.
Years ago, I had an irate lady contact me through Comics.com/thebuckets demanding to know why all the ads on my family-friendly page were for dating sites and meeting young girls. I didn’t have the heart to explain that the ads were responding to cookies on her computer, and that she’d likely have to ask her husband. No, I was cruel and said that she should write to the syndicate or Google or somebody and complain until they listened. Someone somewhere down the line probably spilled the beans. Bad cartoonist! Bad!
Greg, your awful. I would have done the same thing, so at least you are in good company.
here Greg
Cover the rash with a paste made from cold coffee and baking soda. …
Take a warm bath with oatmeal or Epsom salt. …
Rub a banana peel or a watermelon rind over the rash and don’t rinse it off.
and about them, PRETTY SURE they are just trying to get rid of opponents in their OWN WAYS.
Am I supposed to do any of that stuff at a crossroads at midnight, or while burning frog intestines over a fire of newt tongues? ‘Cause that’s how I’ve been doing it.
You need stump water too.
Yeah! And pacou root and some night yarbs.
nope just what I said.
I am Wicca. I know a lot of homemade stuff.
and about the bath just mixed in water, YAH GOOF! lol
Okay, bathwater, but that sounds so dull.
WITH Oatmeal and Epsom Salt…
after well…it’s not like I am going to throw you in it.
so YOUR call, hehe.
Could always sprinkle some Cayenne Pepper in there. If you want to spice things up.
Poison Ivy, Oak, and sumac have a resin on them called Urushiol. Water actually sets it. Soap has little effect. There is a product called Oak and Ivy Cleanser that actually removes and neutralizes the resin. Healing will not start until the resin is removed. Boy Scout and Girl Scout camps stock it in the first aid station. A friend weed whacked a ditch full of poison ivy in shorts and a t-shirt. He was swelling rapidly when he came into work and was going to need steroids. We sent him to the drug store and had him wash twice with it in the bathroom. The angry red was gone by the end of the day and he was light pink the next morning,
What PoodleGroomer said. The brand name is “Tecnu” and we are so allergic to poison ivy that we keep it in the large, economy size bottle. Best stuff ever for poison ivy. They also make poison ivy armor (for before you camp or garden) and an anti-itch cream. It works the best.
As kids, only one neighbor was NOT allergic to poison ivy, so she did that page in everyones’ plant scrapbook. How’d you wait to 33?
One brother once REALLY gave the oldest brother PI leaves for TP, and the doctor giving the cortizone shots said that festering was the worst he’d ever seen.