There’s nothing much to try and sell you relating to this comic, so if you’ll indulge me-
Rather than say nothing in this space, I’ll ask if you’ll Facebook, Tweet, Pinterest and all the rest on behalf of your ol’ pal Hubris. Thanks! And let me know if you need a sticker or two.
Oh I worked retail. I relate, trust me.
Ok … I’ll FB and vote, but I am NOT a twit who tweets, I’m not interested in printerest, and I’m not stumbling for anything. 😛
TWC is down at this moment. … I’ll vote later tonight.
I stayed away from Twitter for the longest time, til a friend showed me how it could benefit Hubris. I put a toe into the tweet ocean, and lemme tell ya- it’s fun seeing what Steve Martina and Simon Pegg just throw out there for funsies.
If you check it out, make sure you follow @hubriscomics, ‘kay?
That was, in fact, Steve MARTIN… not Martina. I musta been thinking of something else. Not banjos, anyhow.