This one goes out to my brother, who had to deal with something similar before everyone had a camera in his pocket, or on his head.
This one goes out to my brother, who had to deal with something similar before everyone had a camera in his pocket, or on his head.
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Well I do love being able to sort a retort by holding up a cellphone and smiling. Then hitting the ‘post’ button.
I see we get another page for our DIY Hubris coloring book. Yay!
[evil grin] Get’em Hubris!
You’d think people would start catching on – We’re all living in a wired world. Smile, there’s a camera on you somewhere all the time.
In other words: “act like your mother is watching” (cause she probably is)
This is just the third time I’ve heard of “GoPro” … first time was from
First time was here on Hubris when Greg posted the link to the ad video.
Even with driving a car I’ve been thinking of getting a dashcam. I’ve been in too many close calls that could have put me and my family in jeopardy. And the way the cars just cut in front of me and then slam on their brakes, it would end up being “my fault”. And lord knows I’ve had many incidents on my bike too that it is worth having a GoPro available.
Although it’s hard to tell, it looks like it could be a woman driving. Meaning, of course, that his wife/girlfriend/whatever is really gonna be pissed at him for doing what he’s doing. I’d fear that more than the police ticket.