Some of you might recall that I did some unicycle comment cartoons here on the site a while back. I think there were a series of three, maybe four of them. They were an image of Hubris riding a unicycle with an offscreen voice saying something that unicyclists typically hear, such as “What happened to the rest of your bike?” and “Are you a clown?”
The problem, you see, is that when people see something worthy of comment, they tend to comment. If they haven’t heard what the previous thirty people have commented, they tend to say the first thing that pops into their heads, which is the same darn thing most of the previous thirty people said. You see the problem. After a while, you entertain yourself by having thirty different answers to the one thing everyone accidentally repeats at you.
“The bike shop had a half-off sale.” “I stripped all the useless stuff off the bike and this is what’s left.” “My grandma is riding it about a half-mile back.” “Oh, I can control one wheel, but have you seen those guys who ride two wheels at once? They’re amazing.” and so on.
Today’s cartoon is one of our readers who’s apparently heard the same thing so often that she listed it as her nickname. Works for me. Welcome to the comic strip, Nice Hat.
Okay, I’ve been counted…
Did you make a mark, Zorro?
Didn’t you see it?
Silly hat?!
“Really, we’re just being polite. No one cares about the hat. Turn around, I have some witeout.”
Really, it could be worse. I saw a Spring Breaker point out a lady in the Walmart parking lot and shout, “Woo, saggy boobies!”
I worked with a guy named Gary Coleman. He was about a foot taller than the famous one and was undeniable caucasian. Not once in the two years he was in our department did any of us make a joke about his name. We knew, no matter how clever we though we were, he had heard every “Willis” comment ever. That did not stop other people but he always took them in stride.
It seems he was able to move past his parent’s unfortunate decision and take it with humor.
I’m familiar with the late “Harry the Hat”, but I don’t know this person. Will she be sporting her chapeau in the competition?
You might know this person! She might be commenting on your comments about her comments here in the comment area full of comments.
When I get the “Where’s your other wheel?” I usually answer “It was a helluva divorce”. 😉
Oooh, yeah. I like that one.
I’d say this is a ‘you win’….
for Nick.
At least you got the wheel with the pedals.
One of my favorite (favourite?) people on British television is Richard Osman, who is very clever, would win any trivia contest, and is about 6’7″. He bemoans the fact that the first thing most people say to him is, of course, “you’re very tall.” His stock reaction? “Really?! Goodness gracious me, I had no idea!”
Yeah. Douglas Adams was tall, and in one of the Hitchhiker books (the first one, I think) he slots that “You’re very tall” line in a list of very very obvious things that people say. I think the relevant line he wanted to highlight in his list was, “So this is it; we’re going to die.”
Y’know, thinking back to your story about the “indoor” family going white water rafting with Hubris, I could almost hear the father saying that every time they got in the water.
Yeah, I can hear Mr. Nutley squeak it out!! You
Nice hat..
Nice hat, lady, where is the rest of your fancy hat friends who sits around drinking tea and reading books?
I should have had the Tanned Wonder say that. Her application sure didn’t have any tea or books on it. Lots of photos of hats, hiking, and high deserts.
work hard, play harder 🙂