Remember being a kid, and being sure that if you just tried ONE more time, you could do that flip the right way and land in the pool in the posture that would make people admire you forever?
No? Me neither.
Remember being a kid, and being sure that if you just tried ONE more time, you could do that flip the right way and land in the pool in the posture that would make people admire you forever?
No? Me neither.
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not sure it’s the right time for that Kara…more the time to land right and not broken.
She’s got hang time. Plenty enough for another 2-3 flips. If not, it’s ok. The doctor’s in the house.
Forget counting the past and count the future. One thing, if she gets bunged up bad enough NOBODY can guilt her into working at this one….
Up is down, right is wrong Evvvvrything you know is wrong!!
That’s deep dude.
It’s actually a Weird Al song.. Still deep, but not mine..
Anti-aliasing is off, I suppose.
Actually, did that on the regular when i was diving off the high boards. And Eeev’reee time ended up doing a very painful and very awkward belly smacker. Being top heavy didn’t help but still, a person’s gotta figure they Can count beyond two successfully at least Once in a while.
Good place for that epiphany Kara
Patreon-izes Greg.
And a massive Huzzah comes up from the crowd, knowing that Allan is on his feet and doing well!
This is a ONE TIME donation Gregory.
And it’s much appreciated!