Isn’t it nice to see old friends. Who then don’t recognize you. Even when you give them your name and the circumstances under which you met.
And then they throw a plot twist at you.
Yeah, it’s nice.
Isn’t it nice to see old friends. Who then don’t recognize you. Even when you give them your name and the circumstances under which you met.
And then they throw a plot twist at you.
Yeah, it’s nice.
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Good Zig. And a greater Zag.
Sal-lute, Greg!
Okay so who does Ms. Wiggins-Ross think Lowell is? Unless there’s lawsuit because of Chase-R or one of the other lawyers that were involved there, with Smythe-Cholera…. it would be enough time for everything to have simmered nicely on the side of the road or the back of the fridge by now…
Or the balloon mess, or Mr. Honcho got caught doing something… anyway sounds like SportSmart is in a massive mess there… heh.
SHE IS BACK and she here to bust heads…same time she asking him to go with her.
oh the humanity…
what is going to happen…and we have to wait monday…
I’ve had peppermint twists, licorice twists and strawberry twists.
Greg, how many plot twists do you get at a time. Gross?
Is Lowell wearing red sneakers with that suit? Heh
Matches his tie. Could be the height of fashion, at this very instance, on facebook.
The shoes were white back at The Outdoor Galore Store.
Or is Lowell’s everchanging footwear now canon (i.e., sneaks vs sandals with the crazed soccer dad look)? Maybe he changes his shoes when he leaves Hubris’ store before he goes to SportSmart?
(And I clearly have too much time on my hands in the summer.)
Okay, you guys have me in a box, here. I don’t always remember 1) what sort of footwear a character has on when he’s ‘off-model’. and 2) when I’m running behind (too lazy) and can’t go back through old images and see what he/she was wearing the last time he/she appeared, and 3) when I forget to color shoes at all…
If I’m a good li’l cartoonist, I’ll fix the final images before these go into a book, but I’m not promising anything.
don’t think even lowel saw that one coming expected him to talk to her then walk out the door and change into a new disquise and come back and try again .
OK, Greg is a tricky devil, but I’m willing to make a prediction here.
They go in, bust head, fire the management, and she puts Lowell in charge.
So Mrs Wiggens-Ross assumes Lowell is working for Sportsmart. She’ll bust some heads and put Lowell in charge.
How long will it take Lowell to realize he’s got his job back but isn’t on the payroll?
I mean Ms. Wiggins-Ross.
They called him several different names (none of them Lowell), he had a different haircut, he’s wearing shades and a suit. I’m not surprised she doesn’t remember, at least not right away. Ever see someone outside where you normally see them, like someone you work with outside of work, and it takes you a moment to remember who they are?
Especially when the last tim e he was seen he was running around the outdoorsfest naked
I worked at a place that was a bank spinoff (long story) and had a fairly strict dress code. So I was always in skirts and dresses and dressed professionally. ALWAYS. Then two things happened in short order-they moved us from third floor of the building to the basement and I had a major convention I was doing as dealer four blocks away at a big hotel. So for the first time ever I was seen in grungies and sweats, and a week later I had brought my stock to work and hid it in my cubicle and went to get it on the morning the event started. In full con garb (before cosplay was the real thing). I don’t know if some of those people ever recovered…. Lowell’s pulling a reverse here. From smockville and grunge to suitville. That is usually the bigger shock, trust me.
I love the fact that your work is so intricate that WE find stuff YOU don’t know about!!
Well well, looks like Hubris was right when he stated that “SportSmart is just a big, dumb, company. They don’t care who you are.” Even so, I’m a bit taken aback that Lowell is not registering with Ms. W-R AT ALL. True, Lowell had been gone for — what, a few weeks, I guess? (Sometimes you have to remind yourself that even one day can last for months in the comics realm.) And yes, his appearance has drastically changed since they had last met.
Still, you would think that Stanky Creek would have been sufficiently memorable to jog Ms. W-R’s memory to the point of at least vague recognition, but apparently not. Sorry, Lowell: What YOU had with SportSmart may have been special, but what THEY had with you? Not so much. (Free brain bleach upon request to anyone suddenly tormented by disturbing visuals.)
But maybe it won’t matter after all, since Lowell is clearly relishing the prospect of busting some heads, and maybe some other things, too. And here I’ll stop, lest I gross myself out, besides everyone else.