Just got back from Kentucky. There’s a Shaker village there. I learned a great deal that I did not know and may not use in my life. And that’s okay.
Just got back from Kentucky. There’s a Shaker village there. I learned a great deal that I did not know and may not use in my life. And that’s okay.
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The crowd is getting larger. Wait until word gets out to the larger outdoors community.
Kelly, Durnell, Paste, Lowell, David, Rick, Ms. Wiggins-Ross
Hubris doesn’t realize that trying to outlast the Crazy, it’ll just multiply?
Nice place to have some lunch though.
This really is HARRASSMENT
Like a pack of zombies
Not quite like zombies. There is no chain link fence holding them back, just a deep hole.
oh like maybe because you don’t want to deal any more with the people above us looking down thinking some one should call a rescue chopper
This is probably the first (and will probably be only) time that I’ve ever seen Wiggins-Ross look cute, even endearing. Distance lending enchantment, I guess…
It’s like quilting. If the fabric still looks ugly, cut smaller pieces. Eventually it will look better….