Chuck Norris does not do Push Ups. Chuck Norris pushes away the Earth.
Lowell does not do Push Ups. Lowell just doesn’t.
Chuck Norris does not do Push Ups. Chuck Norris pushes away the Earth.
Lowell does not do Push Ups. Lowell just doesn’t.
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Though I bet he is a master at Push Pops.
A long time ago, I briefly taught a butterfly (swim stroke) class. There was one middle-aged guy who would could do a full arm extension pushup with his back straight, and his stomach still touched the ground. He made me hate every single minute of teaching that class. No matter how hard I had him work, he ate enough to keep that gut. There’s just no way you can butterfly with a 60 lb sack of fat strapped to your middle. Your body just isn’t designed move with that kind of drag.
Not even in a drag race?
I left out the bit about Tubs being the only person who showed up in a Speedo the first day. You would think, with the low pressure front that’s behind his stomach, the drag of his suit wouldn’t matter much, but you’d be wrong. I had him bring in normal trunks (surprise! he had some) to demonstrate that swimming in trunks is like swimming in a jogging suit. He managed a 3 second avg. time difference on his 100 meter front crawl.