Some of us know- you don’t let your friends get into that ambulance alone. You go with them, no matter what.
Chances are, if you let them go away in the ambulance unaccompanied, you’d realize moments after they turned out of sight that your dear, dear friend probably has the dang car keys in HIS pocket.
Too old for that garbage.
I went in the ambulance with my daughter once. (Asthma.) I had the car keys, but the car was many miles away when she was released.
Interesting timing. I’ve been watching the Fire Department Chronicles (sponsored by Fire Dept. Coffee Co.), and they have a few parody videos on how things operate in an ambulance. Here’s an example.
Lemme see…
#1. Dusty vs. the Bear wearing dungarees…
That poor bear….
Well Whatta ya know ol clem can be succinct.