How much longer can they convince Lowell to hit the [ctrl F4] ?
Oh man …. Like I commented elsewhere, bury the rummage sale ratty teddybear with “Theodore Beare” headstone… in the basement or the crawlspace. Um, they didn’t say it was a HUMAN body and they didn’t say that the body ever BREATHED… geeze.
and now Lowel will think the guy paste just asked about being dead is the body brought back to life real nice move paste now Hubris will never get Lowel to believe paste is not a serial killer in the making
How much longer can they convince Lowell to hit the [ctrl F4] ?
Oh man …. Like I commented elsewhere, bury the rummage sale ratty teddybear with “Theodore Beare” headstone… in the basement or the crawlspace. Um, they didn’t say it was a HUMAN body and they didn’t say that the body ever BREATHED… geeze.
Randy: “Yeah, cause Paste sure isn’t helping any.”
and now Lowel will think the guy paste just asked about being dead is the body brought back to life real nice move paste now Hubris will never get Lowel to believe paste is not a serial killer in the making
Looks like we got another good supporting character.