Monday rolls around pretty regularly. You’d think I could contrive to have your cartoon ready for you on a day that doesn’t really move around in the schedule very much. I have excuses, but you don’t want to hear about them. It’s enough for you to know I have ’em, right?
“Adult Beverages” ah yes… they can so waylay the best plans.
Enjoy! We’ll be here when you get back and can focus again…
Have a good weekend!
I guess you can have a break…
Have a good Labour Day … oh, and what are you going to do when the Syndicate wants 6 weeks worth of Hubris in a row, and you’ve only got 3 weeks work? Hmm? Hmm? Are you going to go and make Hubris a “once a week” comic?
Ah well, enjoy your whine, I mean wine, and have a great day mon amie.
That’s when Greg draws up some classic FILLERS that can be run anytime (McDominals, the one about the road rash and doing it again tomorrow, the one about Kara’s racks; his unicycle ones; etc.) And keeps those gems for if they need to fill in on the sequencing. 6 weeks? I thought it was 8-12 weeks they have to have sitting about for syndicated….
Just curious. What kind of wine?
Argentinian. Red. I don’t recall the Vintner or Vineyard or whatever the label people were called, nor the kind of grape. Good lookin’ label, though. Very fine. Good wine, too. And the company was fantastic. Happy Birthday, Pablo!
I don’t think I have ever had an Argentinian wine. Thanks. I think I’ll start looking for some.