So- I’ve got another Patreon Patron to send stuff to. Thanks for clicking on the Patreon button and/or the ‘You and Hubris’ button and making Hubris continue!
I’ve got the final story arc in mind, but I don’t want to get to it within the next five years or so. Everything you guys do staves off that last big story.
Also, gonna be at HeroesCon in Charlotte in May. Feel free, if you can make it to Charlotte, to come by and visit a bit! Or more than a bit. That’d be cool. I hope to have the Stanky Creek Book by then. Cross your fingers.
Looking massively forward to the next book!
Okay, so the scouts help clean up because it’s apparent the cops didn’t work the scene over… or maybe they did. Cue Clem.
If Crazy Dog Lady is hiding in the office with the trankquilized dog… hm, maybe it isn’t her dog, but one that’s got worse manners than her dog I mean … you know…
well…a bit scary for the poor kid if the “miss” is still there
Cross your fingers! Cross your fingers like the wind!
Kara is the only one not wide-eyed about the crazy lady. If the scouts run afoul of the biddy, we may get to see an epic take down. Meanwhile, we only have Clem, Rod was not available for this episode.
Five years? Until we get the store restored to use, or perhaps sold to Lowell as is?
Hmm. You know what? As much time and energy as went into the Final Story Arc… it never occurred to me what would become of the Outdoor Galore Store. I guess that’s giving away info in some vague way… or maybe not, since now I have to decide whether to deal with it or leave things as planned.
Your “five year” comment on Gocomics strip hints that matrimony might be involved.
I only said that there was a plan… I ain’t saying there’s marriage or no marriage or divorcing or breaking up or Thelma and Louising into the Grand Canyon nor nothin… For at LEAST five years.
Like the cop’s warning: anything you say may be taken down and misused against you.
Paste looks spectacularly unimpressed with all the goings-on. Maybe he is contemplating that he will probably be pressed into doing massive clean-ups, and is trying to figure out how to escape to his pump park without also missing out on what’s next in the insanity?
oh no the crazy dog lady has gone to far now if a troop of scouts are after her. what next chaser poping up hunting for her too or helping her trying to run from the scouts form of justice.
That is so mean.. *gets out wallet..*