Ah, plot plopped in our lap, Greg can explain Lowell to us… heheheh. Bob is perfect for that, as it’s probably falling out the other ear right now… and at least Bob gets Taco…Bell (must NOT use one of the two or three nicknames for it, must not must not)
Trying to do the right thing is not the same as doing the right thing. In this situation, NEVER forget the golden rule of management – leave no witnesses.
Ah, plot plopped in our lap, Greg can explain Lowell to us… heheheh. Bob is perfect for that, as it’s probably falling out the other ear right now… and at least Bob gets Taco…Bell (must NOT use one of the two or three nicknames for it, must not must not)
Trying to do the right thing is not the same as doing the right thing. In this situation, NEVER forget the golden rule of management – leave no witnesses.
Someone ignored the research, think, plan, do, check cycle. Probably the research and think part, I’m a thinkin’…
Just waiting for the end of all this and Mr. Honcho deciding this is a GOOD THING and better yet it’s HIS idea….
“The best laid plans of mice and men, oft go awry.”
No good deed goes unpunished. Try doing the wrong thing, see how that works out for you.
The last option has usually involved the ER and stitches so I’ll just kick back and have a beer instead….
now Lowel will know next time work wise don’t try to do the right thing unless he wants it come back and bite him on his ass.