What do you suppose Mal’s best event would be?
Mal’s best event would be the swamp crawl… or maybe the golf ball hunt in the wading pool full of night crawlers?
Make that BOBBING for golf balls in the tub of nightcrawlers…
Bootlicking’s an event? Can I provide the boots?
Worming through the mud
The hundred yard simper.
WHY do I have the feeling that Lowell is planning another revenge there?
Holy CRAP is Lowell ACTUALLY thriving as an upper manager?? Two sentences and he has this guy self destructing… Or is that Lowell ?
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Mal’s best event would be the swamp crawl… or maybe the golf ball hunt in the wading pool full of night crawlers?
Make that BOBBING for golf balls in the tub of nightcrawlers…
Bootlicking’s an event? Can I provide the boots?
Worming through the mud
The hundred yard simper.
WHY do I have the feeling that Lowell is planning another revenge there?
Holy CRAP is Lowell ACTUALLY thriving as an upper manager?? Two sentences and he has this guy self destructing… Or is that Lowell ?