These four panels are why I read comics.
Not just funny, not just art, not just an interesting idea.
Rather a synthesis that strikes your soul and changes your outlook.
Mid 1970s, we were novices led by a veteren. Put in at Diamond w/ new dam realease a day behind us. Two newbies in a 4 man, all small rapids were magnified. Absolute blast. Lower Granite only . 3 day trips w/ hikes.
Don’t know if you’ll ever see this comment, since it’s such an old strip, but… this is one of the best comic moments I’ve ever seen in 30+ years of life. I felt this one.
Gotta love it!
Despite himself Mr. S-C might have a good time after all….
And now, we get the irony.
These four panels are why I read comics.
Not just funny, not just art, not just an interesting idea.
Rather a synthesis that strikes your soul and changes your outlook.
Thanks! Comments like that make my day… and make staying up late last night to finish this cartoon more than worthwhile.
And now… He’s ready to fall out of the boat.
Uh Hubris? I need new briefs please.
This is why it’s my favorite! Motivation!!!
Reminded of my first trip in a 4 man Avon down the Grand Canyon. No amount of white water could clean the smile off my face!
Excellent! How’d you do at Lava? The only place I swam out of my kayak was Granite. There was no excuse.
Mid 1970s, we were novices led by a veteren. Put in at Diamond w/ new dam realease a day behind us. Two newbies in a 4 man, all small rapids were magnified. Absolute blast. Lower Granite only . 3 day trips w/ hikes.
Burgess, dont do the titanic top of the world pose. We all know how that ended….
Don’t know if you’ll ever see this comment, since it’s such an old strip, but… this is one of the best comic moments I’ve ever seen in 30+ years of life. I felt this one.
Agreed! Really moving.