Well! I’m back from The Kenosha Festival of Cartooning… and it was a fantastic time. You guys should all come next year. Seriously.
I think I owe you all a couple more Extra Comics, as the tip jar has been active. I’ll have to double check. I might owe you four more by now.
Those of you who ponied up at the tip jar (and sent me your mailing addresses) – I thank you for your patience. All my sticker stacks are depleted and the new ones aren’t yet ordered. But when they arrive, I’ll mail out ‘thank you’ notes and new stickers. You guys rock.
Bad move Hubris, tossing the phone.
I have faith in team Cholera-Smythe though.
Faith in who again?
Yes, you can bill Hubris for the time spent calling him, but how do you expect to force him to pay it?
Exactly. Unless you have contract; bill all you want, it’d have to take court action to TRY to force it, and it’s not happening. Not even if it’s many thousands of dollars… (family issue, A sued B, and lost, then A had no money so A’s attorney went to B and asked THEM to pay A’s attorney fees! A’s attorney couldn’t understand why B said no, and when A’s attorney decided to take B to court over THAT, the judge laughed so hard A’s attorney couldn’t literally show his face in that courtroom ever again)
Wasn’t it also Shakespeare that said “A plague of lawyers upon both your houses?”
not only will hubris get a bill for the phone but the lawers will bill him for talking to each other too.
How can they? No contract.
Hubris hasn’t retained them.
no, the lawyers invoice their respective clients for any contact or attempted contact made on their behalf. Who knows, these lawyers might also bill for “time spent thinking about the case.”