Well, those guys from the Parks and Rec department are just awesome, aren’t they?
Jenga tower for the win!
Bring back the pow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4EscAuvz0M
Yes, they are! However, I have some doubts as to the ultimate efficacy of the 2nd sign…
Depends on which type of grass I suppose.
One of those protuberances from the arch isn’t one of Bob’s limbs, I hope.
The one at 10:00 does look like it could be one of his arms. Hopefully he was able to disappear instead.
After the fest, there is a HELLUVA lot less grass!!
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Jenga tower for the win!
Bring back the pow!
Yes, they are! However, I have some doubts as to the ultimate efficacy of the 2nd sign…
Depends on which type of grass I suppose.
One of those protuberances from the arch isn’t one of Bob’s limbs, I hope.
The one at 10:00 does look like it could be one of his arms. Hopefully he was able to disappear instead.
After the fest, there is a HELLUVA lot less grass!!