The best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray…
Not that this was a plan, best laid or not.
Early days of the comic strip, I thought I’d do a lot of cartoons like today’s. Every so often, Hubris and Kara would find themselves out late on a hilltop and either spell out the latest storyline for the sake of keeping everyone updated when necessary, or they’d say something clever or thought provoking or philosophical.
There were, I think, three or four of these cartoons in the later syndicate packages. (which became the early strips here on the website) And then I returned the kids to the hilltop once or twice more since then. I think the last time was just after the police officer scattered himself badly on Hubris’ longboard.
Why I haven’t returned them to the hilltop in a while is a mystery to me, but Hubris needed a little time for quiet reflection today, so there he goes. And thus ends another comic strip “day”, which might actually be a week, or not, and still takes weeks to tell anyhow.
“Time”, as Douglas Adams or Doctor Who (I can’t remember which) said, “is Bunk.”
Until the Mosquitos Get Up!
Hillside is great until the ants find you, the mosquitos come out, or the dew forms. Heh.
Yeah, stress oozing away… down the hill, yep.
Time is bunk when you lack vision.
Er.. Wasn’t she THERE for the long day?
‘long day’ is subjective. Time passes differently for any two individuals. You know that. Anyhow, Kara was only there for lunchtime.
Kara wouldn’t know a “9-5 job” either, because, with Hubris around, she’s on call 24-hours a day, and weekends. Ick.
Being married is a 24/7 too. And the two of you can go through the same day side by side and time will flow differently for both.
hubris forgot if he had taken the job he would still be stuck with paste. plus he would never have met bob and lowel.which would be sad for hubris.
Don’t forget Kara. He wouldn’t have met her either. That would be extra sad for Hubris, as well as for us.
My daughter and son-in-law did the employee bit for a few years and got tired of 1) working for someone else and 2) having to deal with lay offs. With the last lay off they went full bore into working a carpet cleaning/anything else the customers might want done to their homes or businesses that they’d been doing part time. A few months ago they bought a bowling alley, as though each of them working 80 hours a week wasn’t enough all ready. Same deal, my son-in-law will work harder than anyone else, but he hates working for someone else.
Greg, Douglas Adams was the one who said time is bunk, right after saying that space is big. Both are understatements.