Paste was never one for team sports, but who can blame him? Team sports weren’t made for the short kid with ego issues. Skateboards. Those are good for the short kid with ego issues… and parents who’d like him to entertain himself for a few hours while they got some work done.
Team sports require you to be good enough that you don’t irritate the kids who play all the dang time, while keeping an eye on a whole crowd of people who all want the same ball. If everyone had their own ball and own agenda, well, that’d be a different kinda game now, wouldn’t it? Who knew that team sports were some kinda euphemism for famine times? Everyone after the same ball? Pah! We live in modern, first-world countries! We can all afford our OWN balls!
Hey, Paste just may have grown up another teensy there.
Team sports are bad when they’re ‘forced’ sports. Like in gym class.
One time playing basketball in gym, forgot who my teammates were because nothing to differentiate the different team members and I passed the ball to the other team. My team wanted to kill me and I walked off the floor and refused to continue playing because it was an honest mistake. The teacher offered to send me to the office, I said fine and went to the locker room and changed. I wasn’t sent up. Next time they had tabards for one side to wear (instead of shirts VS skins). [we won’t go through all the times of being the last one chosen for teams sorting]
I hear you! My one non-failure in gym class was when I was assigned to play goalie in soccer. Turned out I was a natural at falling down and getting hit by things. I was like a ball magnet!
Also – thought of you the other day. My sister sent me a t-shirt and the slogan immediately made me think of you. It says:
Underestimate me.
That’ll be fun.
I was good at dodge ball. Not at most other team sports.
That’s sad!
Covid-19 did something that most people had not wanted – it highlighted the two classes of humans on the planet: the social insects that require touchy-feely times from their peers, and the isolationists that do just fine by themselves. The touchy-feelers are the ones that thrive on team sports. Without the comfort provided by their fellow feelers, they curl up and die. The isolationists thrive on activities that are team-free, and they have no problems keeping themselves amused. Society as a whole is a team activity, which is why team sports are given so much more priority in schools (that, and the money involved helps a lot, too). But, if you don’t want to play on a team, you can fit into society while taking on the ultimate non-social thing – by buying and running your own team into the ground as an owner!
That unfortunately is a common problem.
I bet he cheated at the SANDBOX..
I was always designated the team water guy … never played an inning. Just ran back and forth getting water.
I would have loved to have had that job. Rather than play in a team sport I didn’t want to do, and wasn’t good at. I envy you, dude.
I spent a lot of time in the outfield too. Never developed the strong throwing arm for getting a ball back to the infield. During basketball and football seasons I was in the pep band.
This was genuinely touching.
It was! And very familiar….I was that kid in left field.
I like that Paste and Ms Wiggens-Ross are having an actual conversation, and seem genuinely interested in what the other has to say. It’s not about hyping anything up, or how to get more ratings, but an actual personal conversation.