You’ve had those dreams, right? Drive right off a cliff? Falling, falling, falling…
I wonder if those guys that do the amazing stuff on skateboards and bikes and motorcycles have those dreams and… the falling isn’t the scary part. I mean, they do that all the time. Biiiig deal.
By the way, click HERE if you wanna give the gift of Hubris to some poor soul who won’t or can’t read it online.
I usually realize that the seat has disappeared half way down.
In my dreams I’m an excellent freerider. Wheelies, stoppies, hucks, tabletop air… it all works perfectly.
In reality, I’m an embarrassment even to disinterested onlookers.
I demand to live in the physics of my dreams!!1!
There is episode of Star Trek: Voyager where they DO live in a Lucid World. It’s not as fun as you think….
Have you ever had the same dream as Hubris, Greg?
Not exactly. I’m kinda with Won. I’ve got some excellent skills while unconscious, but sticking a landing has never been a recurring nightmare. There’s only one or two drops on my favorite trails that have featured in dreams as oversized. I have dreamt that I drove my car off a bluff near the river here. The ‘bluff’ has been reduced over the years, especially where roads have been put in, and it’s not a scary drop… until you’re asleep.