Surprise! There’s not usually a new cartoon up on Thursdays around here, but this is the fourth of the extra strips I owe you guys for dropping a few bucks in the tip jar (it’s the button on the left hand side of the page that says, “You And Hubris”, for those of you who wish to explore its mysteries)
I’ll have to double check, but we may be nearing time for me to knock out another two extras soon.
Love Mr. S-C’s expressions….
Kara’s right, though.
Thank you, Greg! Always love a bonus strip!
Can I get the cute little kayak now?
Bonus strips are cool!
Right, well… I just did the count, and with a couple new donations in the last few days, I do, in fact, need to supply you kind folks with two MORE additional strips as soon as I can. Well, done, you guys! Also, I’d like to point out that I’ll be at Charlotte’s HeroesCon on the 20,21,22nd this month! Wow! My first convention with a real booth space and everything! It’s been a long time in the works. I’ll have the tip jar list o’ folks with me (I call the list Team Hubris) and if you’re on it, well you need to come see me in Charlotte.
Kewl on the booth, Greg. Don’t forget a towel. I’m dead serious. Boothsitting one of those is vital. Trust me.
That’s a little too far away from where I live to trek; sorry. Glad to oblige though, I did drop a tip to help fund the extra strippage. Keeping you busy means a lot! Enjoy the Con and have a Blast!