Heck if Paste’d been sent to a therapist and they turned him loose…
Though maybe the therapist realized it wasn’t going to work out after all.
So is Auntie Lucy David’s sister, or is it a great aunt? I’m doubting it’s a relative shared with Hubris directly…
I can interpret Paste’s dream if so desired. But I’m going to charge therapist’s rates, just so that my interpretation sounds more credi… Just to pay for my many min… years of training.
and after the session with paste the therapist had to go get a therapist of his or her own. proof that paste is one messed up little dude.
This one always makes me laugh out loud.
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Heck if Paste’d been sent to a therapist and they turned him loose…
Though maybe the therapist realized it wasn’t going to work out after all.
So is Auntie Lucy David’s sister, or is it a great aunt? I’m doubting it’s a relative shared with Hubris directly…
I can interpret Paste’s dream if so desired. But I’m going to charge therapist’s rates, just so that my interpretation sounds more credi… Just to pay for my many min… years of training.
and after the session with paste the therapist had to go get a therapist of his or her own. proof that paste is one messed up little dude.
This one always makes me laugh out loud.