“Head Over Heels”. Doesn’t really make sense, does it? That’s where your head is supposed to be. I always assume it’s like the other old saying that’s used backward: “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.” Probably not designed with modern American English in mind. Currant parlance would have it “You can’t EAT your cake, and HAVE it, too.” Y’know, ’cause it’d be gone. So, “Head Over Heels” ought to be “Heels Over Head”.
Or, you could ignore the problem and use P.G. Wodehouse’s version, “Base Over Apex.”
I like that one.
Awwww she’s trying to give her BF a kissy before she either misses the landing or messes up her grille on the puckerpass.
Kara does not deserve a new grille, though. Leave that for whitewater trips…
I like the phrase: “You can’t dance at two weddings.”
From the wiki on have-eat-cake:
Not true. Kara just has to eat Hubris’s cake, which is hers as well…
I think that phrase is “Eating someone else’s lunch”.
Kara is heels-over-head for Hubris, I see. 😀
I think the phrase re: cake is being misinterpreted. I think “have” in this context = “keep”. So, you can’t keep your cake and eat it too.
And head over heels, to me, has always indicated a rolling or tumbling action.
oh poor hubris kara is showing that she has more pogo skills then he has and also is trying to kiss his boo boos.
Just realized, Hubris is into all this dangerous stuff…
Paste wants to be into all this dangerous stuff…
So does that mean there’s a backstory with Mom? She only looks old and staid now because she’s 50’ish or so?????
Nah, if I strain a braincell, I think that she’s STEPMOM to Paste… oh well, back to mulls.