Now I’ve heard that the background here on the site does something wonky in the new Apple OS 8.02 for iPads. Anyone else getting that? I rely on your expertise in these areas, since I don’t typically have the newest cool stuff or run the newest cool software or have a brilliant staff of people who look after these kinds of things.
As mentioned in yesterday’s comments, I don’t have a problem with the background. (I’m running Win 7 on a PC.)
I’m betting that Hubris’ guess was “corporate team building”.
There’s a real formula that’s taught in schools, which takes the guesswork out of many situations:
Lowell * a + b = doom.
Where “a” can change the amount of doom you get, and “b” is a time factor that modifies when the doom takes place. True fact.
Wait. Isn’t it multiplied instead of added?
I can see the webcomic fine. No Greater Cthonic Entity coming though here. Win 7 using Firefox BTW.
“a” is a scalar, so it’s multiplied by Lowell. “b” is an offset in time, so it’s added to the product of Lowell times “how much doom”.
* a x b = doom?
(a * Lowell) + b = doom
This is like any other formula for a straight line in the form y = ax + b,
where x and y are variables and a and b are constants.
So what’s with the goon gear? He hiding from someone too (Lowell)
He actually looks semi civil with the Darth Vader hairdo covered up…
(background here is fine, running Windows7 64 bit here)
As Burgess Smythe-Cholera said a few days ago, “you haven’t talked with [my lawyer]. You don’t sound like you’re hiding anywhere.”
Background looks good for me, too. I’m on a Mac with OS/X 10.9.4
Guyz and Galz, vote Hubris, he’s back at #60 (I just voted)
I voted today.
Thanks!! Thanks to everyone who takes time out to help the strip go!
Hmmm Corporate Doom Team Building Skills.
I’m still curious how Burgess got involved in a SportsMart-organized corporate team building exercise. And the fact that Burgess’s lawyers are the ones gunning after the SportsMart shyster. Seems like SportsMart is refusing to pay for damages somehow.
lowel should be at least happy doom is ruled out but with the lawers buzzing around doom fits
No, Hubris didn’t rule out doom, he just said that “doom” wasn’t a guess. “Doom” is a given, with Lowell involved.
Notice in the last panel Lowell looks like H.R. Puffinstuff, more than just a bit?