Sometimes I think Durnell’s style is just to set up everyone to be either happy or cranky, and then steer them another way. At least, if you do this half the time or more, you keep people on their toes. I suppose that’s part of an Emcee’s job- keep folks guessing and listening close. Keep ’em holding their breath and waiting on the other shoe to drop so they can’t interrupt. Baffle them with Bull… You get the idea.
Fungal balls. Malted Milk Ball’s failed partner product.
Fungal Balls are the real reason Mario keeps going down the tubes. I think he gave up on the Pubcrawling Princess.
Fungal balls, grown in the backs of fridges in forgotten languishing Tupperware? Harvested before it sprouts tentacles and gains sentience and comes out to revenge itself and it’s neighbors?
Durnell’s got a style and class all his own. Glow in the dark and just put a few blacklights out there, mega-awesomely-kewl! Maybe dust Durnell with some glow in the dark ‘pixie dust’ so he can call some play by play stuff?
Fungal balls?
…so I went and showered..
Emmmm, somebody threw panties… at Durnel…? Ewwww.
Actually, I like Darnell. But really… panties?
in the air, for glowing balls 🙂
Everyone knows that those are Greg’s “throwing panties”. He keeps 3 pair in his fanny pack at all times.
What, everyone doesn’t have a batch of target-throwing panties? I wasn’t aware of this!
Also- Panty Throwing Event. Didn’t even occur to me ’til now.
Greg, with that batch willingly wanting to shed their garb for nekkid bike riding, don’t encourage unmentionables tossing contests. For one thing, you don’t want to know exactly who is good at that. Brainbleach, we don’t need another excuse…
Relax, they belong to Lena Hyena.
I hope the person who lost their panties at least has shorts on or else paste will try to turn this into another WNBR. NOBODY wants to see me naked.