I know you hotshots are going to do it anyway, so I officially invite you to speculate as to the backstory of Mr. Biner.
I know you hotshots are going to do it anyway, so I officially invite you to speculate as to the backstory of Mr. Biner.
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Mr. Biner was going to be a pro at something; and had an injury nip it. He’s now sore that his daughter got a degree instead of going pro sports something so he could live vicariously through her; and this B*U*M (ahem, Hubris) that owns a STORE and is NOT ever going to be a pro anything and he’s shaped like (ahem, Hubris) is not his choice. Not even his last choice. Why couldn’t his little Kara hang with a professional man of some kind, especially a rich one (like a Rockefeller) who’s idea of going to play with rocks is buying diamond futures?
Nope, sorry. I got nothing.
Just like Kara. With her hands behind her back. After asking about t-shirt guns. Nothing.
More than likely he was too short for something like the Navy Seals.
I have a little camping story. While sitting around a fire trying to dry off one of the guys was stroking one of the tripod legs that holt up the “Yurt” after watching for a few seconds I said,”Nice legs, huh” he looked at me then started laughing then I did too and couldnĀ“t stop. His expression was priceless.to help understand what was so funny we usully talk german with each other and yet he understood perfectly what else I might be referring too. Ah, the joys of young adulthood.
Kara… Biner. Huh.
It thrills me every time another reader gets that connection. I laughed when I first came up with the name.
Oh. *NOW* I get it. (Thank you, Google.)
Greg, Kara needs a cat. Give her a cat. Call it “Toehold.”
mr.biner is an old war vet that due to injuries after he was done in the service and either catching karas mother having an affair he is the way he is . and hubris does know he doesnot like him he is just being nice for karas sake and to mess with him.
So – Mr. Biner’s first name is “Cotton” and his legs were blown off in the war. The doctors couldn’t fix his legs, so they sewed his feet onto his knees . . . if you don’t recognize th. . . oh, forget it.
He… took a bullet to the knee…
from which he had his daughter kara ^_^
I’ve seen that show! It’s funny. My oldest son is at the cranky muttering stage of teenagerishness, and sounds like Boomhauer.
Mr. Biner sacrificed everything so his little girl can goto med school and become a doctor, and yet she STILL gets sidetracked with that silly “outdoors” stuff when she should be working on her career.