If you ever have a yard sale, do not put it in the paper or on craigslist. Honestly. Recently a family was moving and was going to put stuff out on the driveway for giveaway on a Saturday, with hours; and put it up on Craigslist on Friday night. They went away for a few hours that evening and came home to find that in 3 hours people had broken into their house and STRIPPED IT. The last few were departing when they showed up. They had a box or two of books and a broken kitchen chair left.
I dared in a large city to put mine in the paper. I had people pounding on my door at 6:30 (they couldn’t get the garage door open as it was broken latch) and wanted IN already. And tried to get into the backyard to get in the garage from another angle… I had to let the dog out AND pull all my drapes… at 8:45 I had 5 cars lined up when I heaved the garage door open for 9. They were miffed I didn’t have collectables for under a dollar, perfect retired Hummels for a dollar, and Longaberger baskets for a quarter. And I had to keep the house locked.
When I had the carpet cleaned and hauled a few pieces of furniture out on the lawn to give room for them to work, people stopped and were looking for the garage sale and tried to either load up my furniture after offering $5-10 for my couch or chair or just plain load it up. It was no where near the curb, it was by the garage door on a long driveway.
There is just this mentality about garage sales/rummage sales, and…
surprised the guy hadn’t backed up his SUV and started loading.
Hah! We were moving and didn’t want bother w/ a yard sale. Put out nice sofa for “free”. Sat there two days. New sign, “$30 inquire within”. It was stolen that night.
If you ever have a yard sale, do not put it in the paper or on craigslist. Honestly. Recently a family was moving and was going to put stuff out on the driveway for giveaway on a Saturday, with hours; and put it up on Craigslist on Friday night. They went away for a few hours that evening and came home to find that in 3 hours people had broken into their house and STRIPPED IT. The last few were departing when they showed up. They had a box or two of books and a broken kitchen chair left.
I dared in a large city to put mine in the paper. I had people pounding on my door at 6:30 (they couldn’t get the garage door open as it was broken latch) and wanted IN already. And tried to get into the backyard to get in the garage from another angle… I had to let the dog out AND pull all my drapes… at 8:45 I had 5 cars lined up when I heaved the garage door open for 9. They were miffed I didn’t have collectables for under a dollar, perfect retired Hummels for a dollar, and Longaberger baskets for a quarter. And I had to keep the house locked.
When I had the carpet cleaned and hauled a few pieces of furniture out on the lawn to give room for them to work, people stopped and were looking for the garage sale and tried to either load up my furniture after offering $5-10 for my couch or chair or just plain load it up. It was no where near the curb, it was by the garage door on a long driveway.
There is just this mentality about garage sales/rummage sales, and…
surprised the guy hadn’t backed up his SUV and started loading.
Guy: “And here I was about to offer you a good $5 for the whole lot.”
And now he just got a “flat rate.”
Yeah, I know.
And since I’m such a “good customer” could ya throw in the blanket??
And bandages.
hahaha Where is the Dr when you need them?
Hah! We were moving and didn’t want bother w/ a yard sale. Put out nice sofa for “free”. Sat there two days. New sign, “$30 inquire within”. It was stolen that night.
Want something taken away? GIFT WRAP IT!