Don’tcha hate that- holding out a hand to shake, and then to be left hanging?
Oh, and being talked over and presumed to be part of someone else’s machinations?
Oh, so irritating.
Don’tcha hate that- holding out a hand to shake, and then to be left hanging?
Oh, and being talked over and presumed to be part of someone else’s machinations?
Oh, so irritating.
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And Paste went to all that trouble to have bicycles painted all over him, too.
Just plain rude.
Paste, such a perfect decoy. Wonder if he’ll score or not? Oh, making Lowell his guardian because he’s a minor and working for Sportsmart he gets to be a PITA to someone else…. maybe Paste will pitch his WNBR and they will actually go for it. Notice Wiggins-Ross didn’t even pause there?
She’s seen all she needs of *that* circus. (Circus-Jerkus)
Yet, from Others’ POV, being around Paste…
Oh, so very very irritating.
She honestly thinks Lowell is going to pull the tired gimmick of bringing a naked pre-teen covered in stencils of bicycles who is seeking a sponsorship to a meeting to distract attention from the bigger subject? She should really give him more credit than that.
and thus a new alliance of unholly evil was formed lowel and paste surprised paste is able to walk around without being cited for nudity
Sincerely… Am not sure how to react here