Don’t you hate those people who keep asking for favors like that? By the way, could you ‘Vote Hubris’ over there on the right for me? Thanks.
Don’t you hate those people who keep asking for favors like that? By the way, could you ‘Vote Hubris’ over there on the right for me? Thanks.
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” By the way, could you ‘Vote Hubris’ over there on the right for me? Thanks.”
Pot. Kettle. Black. 😛
I’m a night person. I go to bed at 1 or 1:30 and wake up at 8 or 8:15am (Sat-Thurs) on Friday, I sleep in, as class isn’t until 3:30pm)
Ah, you caught me in my attempt at irony. At least I think it was irony. Since that song came out and everyone started arguing, I always worry that I’m not using ‘irony’ right.
So. You voted though, yes? You’re probably the only one that votes there as often as I do. ‘Preciate ya.
I vote every day…. at least, the ones I remember to! *LOL* BUT I do read your comments daily. 😀