See? That’s why we need to get the real world back to a place where we have crowds and festivals.
When you go participate in crowds and festivals and conventions and stuff- people see and hear you.
You get fans. Paste gets fans. Mal gets fans. Look there! Lowell appears to be surrounded by fan-like people.
Cool, right?
COVID-19, however, has no damned fans.
If Mal has fans that look like *that*, Shelly is going to be spending the entire weekend tracking down and killing them all.
Which, of course, does level the playing field a little…
Bloody eck … Mal havin’ fans t’ain’t right man!
All CGI? The guy’s been playing too many video games. But Mal having fans is a new one. He played it well when his teammates sold him. Paste is going to be ticked knowing he’s not the big star of the festival anymore.
There is no accounting for taste.