So, changing the story arcs. Gotta swing the increasingly bulky craft around, aim it in a new direction, and get under way. Hard to do without getting a little maudlin. Hopefully, today’s cartoon is a quick enough turnaround, as we sail into the next chapter.
Anybody want to make a request? Now would be the time. I’ve got a framework to hang things on, and as soon as I start filling in details, you psychics will start figuring out where I’m going. You might as well start telling me what I’m going to write and save me a lot of extra work.
I’ll give you a clue- I’m finally getting around to a previous request for a particular kind of bike race. Fire up the crystal balls.
The person coming in the store is the one that wants the bike race. Or somebody like me on crutches looking for a part time job, (full time for a bit) to finish paying off the ER bill from the half drowning and bouncing on the rocks during the Stanky Creek duct tape kayak fest…
Bring us somebody from Stanky Creek, Greg. 🙂 That should work.
not really surprising he is catching up on sleep a way or another there
BMX full contact tag. In mod bogs. With trained fleeted of chiggers.
In mid-July. And no Flit.
“mod bogs” -> “mud bogs” (with modded bugs).
This is the complaint that FeelinForYa usually launches at Greg, but this is the third time this week that I have sprayed my screen in response to your comments! (And what’s Flit?)
Bug spray.
Ooh, chiggers. That’s pure evil. Or blackbird no-see-ums mites. Those can go through window screens without pausing and do they BITE.
I Hate when that happens! Just when you’re about to get something sorted, either somebody/thing wakes you or you have to use the bathroom and the important bit gets cut off.
It’s like the “powers that be” are jamming the message as soon as they realise there Is one. [scowls]
There’s a big unicycle group in Memphis, right?
Lowell was rejected as manager. Clem was not mentioned in yesterday’s ‘wherzawuh’ response, but I can’t see him as useful in any productive endeavor. The ‘sir’ from the dreambreaker suggests a totally new character.
Or maybe Chia Pete?
Went back to check: Hubie’s dad was Austrian, and a biathlon (ski & rifle) bronze metal winner.
Didn’t Claudine Longet win Team Biathlon one year?
Is Hubris’ Dad among the living?
Clues are that he died in a skiing accident. The brief appearance of his mom gave me the impression he was a ‘trophy husband’ and she then married a ‘money bags’, who is Paste’s father. Not sure about any of this.
Weird, how all of these elements rolled up in my head for one storytelling reason or another starting ten years ago, and now, they’re a sort of pocket universe all their own.
So, yes, right here (and don’t tell anyone)I’ll admit that if you read throughout the story, and between the lines, I guess, you’ll learn this: Hubris’ mom was a star-struck young lady who married a skiing pro, Karl, who died. She later married another man who has a good deal of his own money and directs others on what to do with their money. Paste was born. Mrs. Foris (Hubris and Paste’s mom’s current name) sent Paste, who was making his dad absolutely banana-whip crazy, off to live and work with Hubris for a while. I have probably told you more than you want or need to know about what informs Hubris’ and Paste’s (and their mom’s) voices. Keep it to yourselves. The folks without the fortitude to read the comments can enjoy the strip without that information, I think. I hope.
Only one thing, Greg. Hubris’ mom and Hubris have repeatedly referred to Paste as Step-brother. Which means that Hubris mom isn’t his birth mom but his step-mom. So Mr. Fortis had a previous wife who birthed Paste.
Seems like a new character is knocking at the door. I like cartoon evolution. It’s like being there when the Vikings discover N.A. or what ever it was called back then.
The voice bubble “sounds” young to me (‘scuze me) and polite (sir). It’s the anti-Paste. (Oh no – that sounds like an appetizer – well you guys know what I mean.) And I bet she is more athletically talented and way more reliable than Paste is. So, what could go wrong?
With few exceptions, female employees are more productive than males. Kara is great, but the strip needs more gals. The problem for male cartoonists (or any male) is they don’t understand women.
Actually, I’m not sure women understand women.
We don’t.
Wait! It’s not Hannabelle Lecter, the derby queen, is it!?
Anti-Paste? We’ll call the new character “Slick” like in “Men In Black.”
hmm I am thinking british or aussue accent implied. I like the way momma is thinking , Female close too his age. A love interest maybe. Bike race hmmm I spend 95 of my ridetime on my road bike. So I don’t know of all the mtb races. I also have not seen Hubris on a road bike. One does come to mind is a technical downhill descent.
NB under Tags: Draussen. First time that has appeared. Also Karl, which appeared once previously. On that occasion, Hubris was dreaming about his father, as he is now. Or was, till he was so politely interrupted.
Whan CAN it all mean?
I still think the gang should participate in a WNBR. A clever artist can figure out a way not to show bits! LOL
Hmmm. That’s a particular kind of bike race, now isn’t it?
Why does Kara wear green scrubs wherever she goes? That’s what I don’t understand.
Comfort, and she probably just got off work or a call and didn’t have time to change. I live in tees and sweatpants, TBH. Or tees and cut off sweatpants (made into shorts). Why shouldn’t Kara be comfortable?
OK, since you asked for suggestions:
I’ve been browsing back through the archives, and I really enjoy the ‘let’s go play’ strips the most. Interactions with Kara and family next. The Lowell ‘put you out of business’ not so much. The recent ‘cops and robbers’ not at all.
The Hubris ‘joy in living’ attitude is what hooked me. Keep it coming.
how about a triathlon with unicycles, pogo sticks and skateboards? Not necessarily in that order?? And Hubris is on a mountain bike in the background of this page is he not??? You could even swap one of those for stilts! I used to love those…….
I always enjoy kooky customer encounters, like one of my all-time favorites: the woman who needed a different shirt, which Bob provided, thus saving the day.
Returning to the present, Hubris is considering hiring a manager (in his dreams — literally). Note how after he says, “But not Lowell,” it appears that Karl is telling him, “You must hire… “, and the rest is cut off. Was Karl about to suggest a specific individual?
If so, is this new customer — assuming that it’s someone we haven’t met before — destined to become Hubris’s manager?
Though my crystal ball has a few cracks, here’s something that occurred to me. After Hubris states that he should hire a manager (but not Lowell), it appears that Karl is telling him, “You must hire… ” and the rest is cut off. Was Karl about to suggest a specific individual just as Hubris was jolted out of his dream?
If so, is the person now entering the shop destined to become Hubris’s manager?