Turns out that Rick is pretty dang good at Shuffleboard, which is good, ’cause after his “Skateboarding” event last year, he walked funny and groaned whenever he got up or sat down, for like a week and a half.
Shuffleboard, though… when played with people as the game pieces… that’s not just point-and-shoot. You gotta trust your people not to wiggle around, or twist to keep their heads pointed one way or another, or not to be allergic to baby oil. Mick didn’t even get CLOSE to the game ’cause of that. Vic Potato, though? That guys knows how to hold dead still when there’s a score on the line. Plus, he can out-stare any of the Ëüröschpörtën team.
Psy ops, and he’s good at it.
If you’re going to be a lout, be an Um-lout. An Ah- or Er-lout just makes you look indecisive.
I’m having fun reading their dialog.. and trying to pronounce them aloud just adds to the humor of it all.
Did they just out smarten the ES team?!
Score two zip now.
Mitt Leif sells insurance. You have a killer combo with the quiet, soft type for an exterior. Mitt finds that all he has to do is engage the engineering-mind of the German-Overdrive-Eursportsen-er, and beep. Knock in their person for the win. Let the Euroschporten-er on the board have a good meltdown in their bubblewrap straight jacket.